SSAFA Winchester Curry Lunch

A WINCHESTER branch of a military charity held its annual curry lunch on Sunday November 28 in the Officers Mess of the Defence College of Logistics, Policing and Administration (DCLPA) at Worthy Down.

It was attended by 140 supporters including Nigel Atkinson, Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire and SSAFA Hampshire branch president, Cllr Vivian Achwal, Mayor of Winchester, Lady Mary Fagan and the Commander DCLPA Brigadier Mike Caldicott.

Colonel Hamish de Bretton Gordon spoke after lunch, giving an interesting insight into his life and experience as an expert in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN)l warfare.

Army service in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan was followed by work in Syria, where he set up the CBRN Task Force and advised medical charities. Colonel Hamish is renowned as a world leading expert in his field and his book Chemical Warrior is available in bookshops and online.

Guests were also updated on the work of SSAFA Winchester, including an outline of current cases being assisted. This event is the main fundraising activity of the year for SSAFA Winchester.

SSAFA is a charity that assists former and serving members and their families of the Armed Forces who are unable to afford the assistance needed. Anyone who knows of anyone in this category can contact SSAFA on 0204 566 9126, or Forcesline on 0800 260 6767, Mon – Fri 9am-5pm.