MEMBERS of Winchester Rotary planted crocuses at the new hospice recently to raise awareness of a polio campaign.

A group of 10 Rotarians gathered at the new Winchester Hospice to contribute to the landscaping around the building.

An area at the front of the building had been set aside for purple crocuses, the symbol of the Purple4Polio campaign, in support of the global Rotary End Polio Now initiative.

Last year, Winchester City Council permitted a similar planting around King Alfred statue.

During 2018-19, the former president of Winchester Rotary, Les Haswell, made the hospice appeal his main charity and £40,000 was raised.

Planting the crocuses has made a practical contribution to the landscaping of the Hospice site.

October 24 was World Polio Day and for several years Rotarians have planted purple crocuses in public areas as a symbol of the campaign to rid the world of the disease which mainly affects young children.

Two members of Winchester Rotary, Gill Russell and Dr Kordo Saeed, are both polio survivors. and were among those taking part.