LOCAL residents are keeping up the pressure on the city council over the future of the Bar End depot.

The city council is proposing to sell the land off Bar End Road for redevelopment although there is no public timetable for any sale.

Janet Berry, of the Highcliffe Forum for Community Action, addressed the town forum calling for facilities for the local community as well as a food store. "This is the final chance to provide facilities in the area that could transform the neighbourhood."

A petition of 350 names had been gathered from people living in Highcliffe, Bar End, St Giles Hill and Wharf Hill.

The last public consultation about the area was back in 2002 by John Thompson and Partners, said Mrs Berry, a former city councillor.

Cllr Kelsie Learney, Cabinet member for housing and asset management, said: "I am really keen to bring forward this site in a way that maximises community benefit. I'm keen to have a food store. I intend to talk to Mrs Berry and other members of the community forum as to how best to move forward in a practical way."

The city council agreed last autumn to sell the site, in part to address the council's financial problems caused by the Covid pandemic. But it said there was no rush to sell and it would wait until the time was right.

Last year a group of local people were trying to set up a community trust to ensure that any proposals includes assets such as a shop or community centre.

Their concern is that once the site is sold the council will lose control over what is developed there.

In the past, potential uses of the depot have included housing, commercial, healthcare, shops and a hotel.