THE dog poop problem in a village has got so bad the parish council has bought a 'poop scoop' for residents.

Colden Common Park has been subject to a worsening faeces crisis – and now action has been taken.

The poop scoop can be used by people visiting the village park, so long as they return it to the noticeboard at the entrance.

Explaining the purchase, a spokesperson said: "We have many lovely dog walkers who pick up other people dog poo at Colden Common Park.

"One such person e-mailed me a few weeks ago to say some she just can't stomach some of the huge piles and could the Council provide a scooping device.

"So, we have bought one which is hanging off the new noticeboard near the red dog bin by the entrance to the park.

"Please wrap the bottom with a bag to keep the end clean, like you do when you pick up with your hand. Obviously, this is trial to see how it goes, and we hope it does not get stolen.

"Thank you to all that help keep Colden Common Park Dog pooh free."