A SELF-BUILD scheme in Denmead has been knocked back because it is in the countryside.

Amy and Derek Hopkins want to see five houses built on a field at School Lane on the edge of Denmead.

But the city council planning committee heard that it would be against policy as it outside the village and so would set a precedent if approved.

Objector Paul Langford-Smith told the committee: "It is contrary to policy; the plot of land is outside the settlement boundary. In the Denmead Neighbourhood Plan allocated housing is within the village so there is no need for development in the countryside."

She said there was similar pressure to develop the next field.

Amy Hopkins told the committee she was passionate about self-build and she and her husband want to help four other families who are on the city council's self-build register. She would offer the proposal as a pilot scheme to the council.

Cllr Michael Read, who represents Denmead, said: "The houses look very nice but they are not in the right place."

The committee was unanimous in refusing the scheme.