THE Hampshire Chronicle regularly prints public notices alerting the public to a variety of public proposals.

These can be notices by public authorities, private companies or individuals.

See: notices.

Here is a summary of this week’s:

  • A303 Trunk Road - Popham - Andover Temporary Traffic Restrictions

Notice is hereby given that Highways England Company Limited has made an Order on the A303 Trunk Road in the County of Hampshire, under Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 because works are proposed to be executed on the road. The effect of the Order is to authorise:-

These measures are in the interests of road safety while contractors undertake resurfacing, road marking, stud replacement, bridge works, drainage works, and all associated and sundry maintenance.

It is expected that the work will last for approximately 4 months starting on or after Monday 31sr May 2021. The overnight closures will take place between 21.00 and 06.00 (maximum period).

The order will come into force on 29 May 2021 and have a maximum duration of eighteen months, ceasing when all phases of the work are complete.

Traffic affected by the closures will be diverted using other junctions on the A303, and by using the M3, A30, A33, A34, A3057, B3048, and unclassified local roads as appropriate.

J Downham, an Official of Highways England Co. Ltd. Ref: HE/SE/2021/A303/91 Highways England Company Limited, (Company No. 9346363). Registered Office: Bridge House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4LZ.

For enquiries, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 or

  • Licensing Act 2003 Application to vary a Premises Licence

BP Oil UK Limited, St Cross Connect, St Cross Road, Winchester, S023 9PS, has given notice to Licensing Authority Winchester City Council to vary the premises licence as follows:

1. To extend the hours for the sale of alcohol to between the hours of 0600 and 2200 daily for consumption off the premises.

2. To make alterations to the premises.

3. To vary the licence conditions.

Any person or responsible authority (as defined by the Licensing Act 2003) may make representations to the Licensing Authority no later than 14 June 2021. Any representations made to the Licensing Authority must be in writing. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is an unlimited fine.

Winckworth Sherwood LLP Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London, SE1 9BB Ref:TLV/00088/0066l2/RPB Solicitors and authorised agents for the applicant