HUNDREDS of residents have launched a fight against plans to double the size of a recycling plant in Kings Worthy – resulting in 80 HGV movements through the village each day.

Ecogen Recycling Ltd has lodged a bid with Hampshire County Council to increase the number of lorry movements it is allowed each day.

The business was given permission in May 2019 to open a waste paper recycling facility at North Winchester Farm, Stoke Charity Road. Now the company is asking Hampshire County Council (HCC) to alter planning conditions as it is “approaching the operating limits imposed”.

Currently, Ecogen are only allowed to handle 30,000 tonnes of waste each year and are restricted to 40 HGV movements per day - 20 in and 20 out – but it wants the council to alter these conditions to allow it to import 60,000 tonnes of waste and increase the maximum HGV journeys to 80 a day.

But the bid has sparked backlash from those living in Kings Worthy and the surrounding areas, who have started a petition calling on HCC to refuse planning permission. As the Chronicle went to print the petition had been signed by more than 600 people.

Stoke Charity Road. Photo: Google

Stoke Charity Road. Photo: Google

It states: “Local residents are devastated to find that Ecogen is planning to expand and double the 40 Heavy Goods Vehicles that use Lovedon Lane and Stoke Charity Road to 80 a day. This is a quiet residential country lane with a high number of cyclists, pedestrians and children using it on a daily basis. It has already become dangerous to walk on footpaths with HGVs mounting the pavement to pass each other and travelling at speeds which are totally unacceptable for the road conditions.”

Others have also written directly to the council to air their objections, with many raising concerns about the increased usage of Lovedon Lane, which they say is already unable to cope with the number of HGV movements. Others also raised environmental and safety factors.

Clare Nicholas said: “Currently HGVs use the road at some speed, creating a great deal of noise, dust and generally dominate the road space. Walking down the road with an HGV passing is unpleasant and sometimes feels dangerous. A proposed doubling of the current traffic movements feels excessive, unrealistic for the infrastructure and the village environment and its residents.”

Michael Tunnah said: “I feel that the current conditions of having 40 HGV movements per day, both in an out for the location is having a negative impact on the quality of life upon residents in the locality. Noise generated by these vehicles is already quite loud for residents, especially those who have a property that faces upon the main road in and out, Lovedon Lane.

“An increase of these movements can only make the noise matters worse. The proposed increase of 6 vehicles on to the site per hour will make life difficult for many residents.”

Ecgoen has had transport assessment carried out which concluded: “The proposed development can be safely accommodated by the existing highway network and that the residual cumulative impact of the increased trips generated by the proposed development will not have a severe impact on the network.”

To sign the petition, go to