BISHOP'S Waltham Fire Station will be rebuilt in multi-million pound scheme.

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service has announced that the Meon Valley facility will be replaced.

This project will specifically aim to improve resilience against flooding.

Crew members will move into a temporary fire station in a nearby industrial unit while the new building is under construction.

Chief fire officer for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service, Neil Odin, said: “Investment in our fire stations is a fantastic opportunity for us. It will not only provide better facilities for our people to work and train, but also build relationships with other public sector partners.

“It is vital that as a service we are visible and accessible to the public, which is why all new stations will have dedicated facilities to engage with our communities.”

Around £27m will be spent on the scheme, which will also see Redbridge Station be rebuilt and a new facility will be created in Cosham, relocating the existing one in Wayte Street.

These will be completed between now and 2024, with Bishop's Waltham expected to be the first.

Most fire stations in the county are more than 50 years old and the demands of the service have changed significantly over this time, with older buildings becoming more expensive to run and maintain.

The design team will now work on the final proposals plus more detailed plans and costings.

Chairman of Hampshire Fire Authority, Cllr Chris Carter, said: “This is very good news for the people of Hampshire and will allow our fire and rescue service to adapt for the future.”