CITY planners have approved a scheme for 120 new homes on the outskirts of a village despite concerns that the new development could flood existing homes.

The development in Wickham will feature a mixture of two, three and four-bedroom homes as well as sports pitches and pavilion on land east of Mill Lane.

The proposals come after previous plans by developer Bewley Homes for 100 homes on the two field site site east of Winchester Road were rejected by planners last year.

New plans will see 24 four-bed homes, 33 three-bed houses, 13 two-bed homes and two flats for private sale, as well as 10 three-bed homes, 18 two-bed homes, six one-bed room houses and eight one-bed apartments to be sold as affordable dwellings.

However, Southern Water confirmed that additional connections by the new development into the existing waste water network would lead to flooding in Wickham.

Planning officers therefore proposed that the developer make contributions to improve the water infrastructure, and Southern Water sign off on works before any tenants can move in or be able to secure a mortgage on properties.

Winchester City Council drainage engineer Darren Lewis said: “There is a mechanism in place which will stop anyone moving into the new homes until the network can cope with the waste water. This will not hold up construction as there is no issue until the homes are occupied”

However, Nicki Olliver, speaking on behalf of the parish council, said that although the council does not oppose the idea of a new development they wanted to see more than a vague promise from Southern Water and the developers that the water network would be improved before completion.

“Flooding from storm water and foul are already a recurring problem in the village. We need to see a detailed strategy from Southern Water and the contractors before construction begins and would urge the council to postpone development until more information is available about the drainage plan.”

Resident Neil Cutler who also spoke against the plans said that there was a scepticism among villagers that Southern Water would deliver the works on time.

Mr Cutler also raised concerns about increased traffic on Winchester Road, commenting that the proposed improvements to the existing roundabout and pavements that would connect to the new site would only solve issues in the short term.

“We are talking about an area that is already above capacity. This is a bottleneck that is a real problem that is only going to get worse with more people using the road.”

Cllr Therese Evans said that although it was a very important application for the future of the village, and as such she would support planners’ recommendations, but she still felt uneasy about certain aspects because not all the details had been sorted out.

“Though I welcome the new sports facilities which will be accessible by the whole village I’m still concerned about the possibility of flooding.

“We have a long history with Southern Water promising improvements yet we still get flooding in the village.

“And what do residents do when water all comes running down and floods the village? They call up their local councillor to come and see the damage. We have to hope all these promises of flooding and access will be solved.”

The housing committee approved the plans 8-0 with one abstention.