RESIDENTS have raised concerns about overnight camping at the Alresford Music Festival in the summer.

Around 100 people camped out after the record-breaking festival at Arlebury Park which raised £10,000 for charity.

The town council meeting approved the 2014 for June 7 but heard there were some unhappy residents, with four noise complaints and two about camping.

Gary Smith, of Arle Close, at the town council last Thursday called for a review of camping and a public meeting to discuss the overnight stays. He questioned whether allowing it would set a precedent for camping at other events.

Festival promoter Ken Veitch said complaints about noise would be addressed with the main stage closing next year at 10.30pm.

It was unclear where the camping would go in 2014 as the rugby pitches were unlikely to be ready next summer.

The council agreed the camping issue would be resolved at a future meeting.