WINCHESTER City Council has found an extra £1.1m to spend on housing projects.

Officers revealed the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for the last financial year posted a surplus of around £725,000, with a further unused reserve of £350,000 also boosting its coffers.

The HRA is a ring-fenced budget that funds all the council’s landlord services including repairs, maintenance and estate improvements.

The surplus was generated mainly through spending less on major repairs and sheltered housing costs.

It means the council can carry over £1.1m to this year’s budget to help fund projects including council house building, Stanmore estate improvements and completing a council house condition survey.

Speaking at a housing committee meeting on June 19, chief housing officer Richard Botham said: “We reported at previous meetings that there were some items that had not been completed and we would be asking for approval to bring them forward this year.”