A MIDDLE-AGED motorist could hold vital clues into tracing three men who raided a house in West Wellow.

The driver, believed to be in his 50s, stopped his VW Golf to speak to a neighbour in Whinwhistle Road at 7pm on Saturday who had just disturbed three burglars breaking into a house there.

The intruders – thought to be in their late teens or early 20s – fled the property with make-up bags after the neighbour caught them but dropped the items in a bungled attempt to get into a silver Renault Megane.

The Golf driver – who has a moustache – is believed to have passed them in the street when the fleeing men threw the items out of the vehicle.

One of the burglars is black, 6ft with shaved hair while one of his accomplices is mixed race, 5ft 9in with short dark hair.

The third man is white, chubby with short brown hair.