Street-level crime in SO21 3BW - Hampshire Chronicle

Crime for SO21 3BW

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Street-level crime and anti-social behaviour in from the Home Office.

To protect privacy, crimes are mapped to points on or near the road where they occurred.

Street name Crime type

Use a postcode for more accuracy

Police station and neighbourhood policing team

Neighbourhood police station

Winchester District
Winchester District
Alresford Neighbourhood Police Office,
Pound Hill,
SO24 9BP

The Police Office is situated within the Fire Station on Pound Hill in Alresford. The Office is not open to the public.

  • Telephone: 101
  • Email:

Winchester Rural North neighbourhood policing team

Sergeant 20177 Hoskins
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO 15822 Griffiths
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO 17942 Mills
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO 15075 Wilkinson
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO 13466 Croutear
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
Inspector 2701 Stribley
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PC 25216 Goodsell
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hampshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.

About this neighbourhood

Winchester Rural North includes the following Parishes; Kings Worthy, South Wonston, Wonston and Micheldever.

The force responsible for policing and crime prevention in this area is Hampshire Constabulary.

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Monthly crime data provided by under the Open Government Licence