Two events of importance are happening at Jane Austen's House Museum in Chawton over the next few weeks.

The first is the loan of manuscript material from the British Library. The manuscript of the "cancelled chapters" of Jane Austen's novel Persuasion is returning "home" for the first time in over 150 years. This is the only known piece of manuscript from one of Jane Austen's novels, and contains a draft for the last two chapters of her final, complete novel.

Visitors have only until July 22 to see the work in the very place in which it was written.

The second event is the annual lecture by Dom Nicholas Seymour, renowned Jane Austen scholar, from Alton Abbey.

His talk this year will be Jane Austen and the Spiritual Life. It promises to be a wonderful evening with the audience being able to enjoy the beautiful garden and a glass of wine, as well as the inspiring talk.

Tickets should be booked in advance from the museum at a cost of £7.50. The talk is on Saturday, June 16, at 7pm.

Jane Austen's House is open daily. Summer opening times (until August 31) are 10am - 5pm.

For more information ring 01420 83262 or email