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The Borough Council has available four additional hackney carriage (taxi) licences. Two of the licences are for wheelchair accessible taxis and the vehicles must meet certain conditions. Anybody wishing to apply for one of these licences is advised to seek more information from the Licensing Section. The remaining two licences are for conventional i.e. non-wheelchair accessible vehicles. Preference will be given to those persons wishing to operate a wheelchair accessible taxi in Romsey and the surrounding areas as there is a greater demand for taxis in this part of the Borough. Persons interested in applying for a licence should contact the Licensing Section of the Borough Council to ask for an application questionnaire. The questionnaire uses a points based system to identify those persons who the Borough Council believes would be most suitable to be granted a licence. In the event that there are more applications than there are licences, those applicants with the most points would be invited for an interview before a panel of members from the Borough Council's Licensing Committee. Following these interviews, the panel would then recommend the most suitable applicants for receiving a licence.
To obtain a questionnaire or receive more information please contact the Licensing Section, Legal & Democratic Service, Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover SP10 3AJ telephone 01264 368023/368013 fax 01264 368005 email licensing@testvalley.gov.uk.
You must request a questionnaire by no later than 19 October 2012 and completed questionnaires must be returned to the Licensing Section by no later than 9 November 2012.

Published on 21/09/2012