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Public Notice

Test Valley Borough Council

Test Valley Borough Council
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
The Council has received the applications listed below which require advertising under one of the above Acts:-
12/01886/LBWS - Retrospective application for the installation of a Satellite Dish on south elevation of 2 The Granary- No2 The Granary Park Farm Somborne Park Road Little Somborne
12/01614/FULLS - Retrospective application to extend the car parking provision at Holt Court, Latimer Street, previously known as the White Horse Car Park site - Holt Court, Latimer Street, Romsey
12/01943/FULLS - Alterations and partial roof extension, two storey rear extension and single storey front extension to entrance hall and new porch. Also extension of existing bay to frontage of existing chalet bungalow - Pipits Hollow, Church Lane, Sherfield English
12/01949/FULLS - Replace existing shed with workshop and reposition, reposition oil tank, add rear conservatory, add front porch, new garden shed and greenhouse, new patio behind conservatory - 3 Muss Lane Cottages, Kings Somborne, Stockbridge
12/01908/LBWS - Amendment to Listed Building Consent 06/01318/LBWS to alter internal layout, increase size of gallery bedroom (mezzanine), repair window W1 and replace W2 and W3 box sash windows like for like - White Chapel, Winchester Road, Kings Somborne The applications are available for public inspection at Council Offices, Duttons Road, Romsey, S051 8XG and on our website www.testvalley.gov.uk Any comments about an application should be received by the Council by 5* October 2012. Any comments received will be available for both inspection and copying.
In the event of an appeal against the refusal of planning permission in relation to a householder application, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage
Paul Jackson, Head of Planning and Building
14 September 2012

Published on 14/09/2012