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Public Notice

Test Valley Borough Council

Test Valley Borough Council

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

The Council has received the applications listed below which require advertising under one of the above Acts:-

12/01797/LBWS - Retrospective application for installation of Satellite Dish on the east elevation of 1 The Granary - No1 The Granary, Park Farm, Somborne Park Road, Little Som borne

12/01722/FULLS - A stand alone timber garden building -14 Church Lane Romsey 12/01684/TVBC3S - Vicom Surveyor HD PTZ dome to replace existing camera, elevation approx 5m high using new swan neck fixing on existing CCTV pole. Existing equipment to be replaced by Nanostation LOCO M transmitter (163x31x80). (TVBC Regulation 3 application) -Test Valley Borough Council, Newton Lane Car Park, Romsey

12/01715/TVBC3S - Vicom Surveyor HD PTZ to replace existing camera, elevation approx 5m high using existing wall mounted bracket and new swan neck fixing. - 29-31 The Hundred Romsey

12/01691/TVBC3S - Vicom Surveyor HD PTZ to replace existing camera on top of existing CCTV Pole with new swan neck fixing. Cameras conform to the requirement of the Part 33 CCTV (Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 regulations. -Plaza Theatre, 40 Winchester Road, Romsey

12/01687/TVBC3S - Vicom Surveyor HD PTZ to replace existing camera, elevation approx 5m high using existing wall mounted bracket, new swan neck fixing and new transmission equipment (nanostation LOCO M transmitter (163x31x80)) (TVBC Regulation 3 application) -Stirling Walk, The Hundred, Romsey

12/01804/FULLS - Change of use of offices (B1) to overnight accommodation (Class C1) -Shorts Farm, Seal lows Lane, West Wellow

12/01750/FULLS & 12/01751/LBWS - Retrospective application for smoking shelter and trellis, secondary glazing (internal) to 4 no windows of bar area, replacement of upper floor windows -The Bishop Blaize, 4 Winchester Road, Romsey

12/01809/RESS - Details of main road and drainage infrastructure relating to outline planning permission 09/01706/OUTS - Land At Redbridge Lane, Nursling

12/01663/FULLS - To erect a Roundhouse livestock housing unit - Faithfulis Drove, Houghton 12/01835/VARS - Details of residential development - application for variation of condition 9 of reserved matters approval 10/01238/RESS to regularise the planning approved drawings in line with the as built dwellings - Parcel H, Land At Abbotswood, Cupernham Lane, Romsey 12/01840/FULLS - Provision of shed in rear garden - Dove Cottage, Land Adjoining Internos Knapp Lane, Ampfield

12/01822/VARS - To remove the occupancy restriction (condition 4 of TVS 1609/4) limiting occupation to employees of the Golf Club because the Golf Club has closed permanently. Therefore, it is proposed to reuse the former stewards bungalow as a C3 dwelling. - Dunwood Manor Golf Club, Danes Road, Awbridge

12/01849/FULLS - Retrospective application for single storey outbuilding - 67 Red Lane West Tylherley

12/01608/FULLS & 12/01821/LBWS - Retrospective application for awning -16 Market Place, Romsey

The applications are available for public inspection at Council Offices, Duttons Road, Romsey, S051 8XG and on our website www.testvallev.qov.uk/planninq

Any comments about an application should be received by the Council by 21 st September 2012 Any comments received will be available for both inspection and copying.

In the event of an appeal against the refusal of planning permission in relation to a householder application, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage

Paul Jackson, Head of Planning and Building

31st August 2012

Published on 31/08/2012