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Public Notice

Submission of Winchester District Local Plan

Submission of Winchester District Local Plan
Part 1 – Joint Core Strategy
Statement of Documents Available for Inspection Regulation 22 (3)(a)(iv): Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012

Winchester City Council and the South Downs National Park Authority have together prepared the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 – Joint Core Strategy. The authorities submitted the document to the Secretary of State on the 18 June 2012. This statement tells you where you can view the submitted Plan and a series of supporting documents for the Local Plan Part 1.
The Local Plan Part 1 covers the administrative area of Winchester District including the area of the South Downs National Park Authority that lies within the District. The Local Plan Part 1 sets out the spatial vision, objectives, development strategy and policies to enable the delivery of sustainable development and communities in Winchester District for the period 2011-2031. All documents can be viewed on the Councils website via: http://www.winchester.gov.uk/planning-policy/local-plan-part-1/submission/
Paper copies of the key submission documents together with a copy of the ‘Submission CD’ and the ‘Pre-Submission’ CD are also available for inspection at the Winchester City Council Offices and the South Downs National Park Authority (details below). The two CDs together contain copies of all the Submission and supporting documents:
Winchester City Council
City Offices,
Colebrook Street
Winchester, SO23 9LJ
Tel: 01962 840 222
Opening hours: Mon- Fri
8.30am -5pm (until
4.30pm on Fridays)
South Downs National
Park Authority

Rosemary’s Parlour,
North Street
Midhurst, GU29 9SB
Tel: 0300 303 1053
Opening hours: Mon-Fri
9am – 5pm
(until 4.30pm Fridays)
In addition, local libraries within and adjoining the Winchester District will be supplied with copies of the 2 CDs for inspection. Details of library services in Hampshire including opening times can be found at http://www3.hants.gov.uk/library.htm and on the back of this statement.
For more information on the Local Plan Part 1 - Joint Core Strategy, or this process, please contact the Strategic Planning Team at the above address: Tel: 01962 840 222 Email: LDF@winchester.gov.uk
If you commented on the Pre-submission Local Plan Part 1 you can update your comments in light of the Council’s Schedule of Modifications, or the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework. Updates to your comments must be sent to the Programme Officer (see contact details below) by midday on the 30 July 2012
Rosemary Morton, Programme Officer
Winchester District Local Plan
Address: c/o Strategic Planning, Winchester
City Council, Colebrook Street,
Winchester, SO23 9LJ
Email: rmorton@winchester.gov.uk
Tel: 01628 672181

Published on 21/06/2012