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Public Notice

Test Valley Borough Council

Test Valley Borough Council
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
The Council has received the applications listed below which require advertising under one of the above Acts:- 11/02512/FULLS Change of use from 'Light Industry' to a mixed use 'Light Industry' / 'Residential' facility. Proposal includes extending the Eastern side of the existing single storey "L" shaped barn to form a "U" shaped barn. Reconstruction of adjacent Pole Barn to create ground and first floor workshops and offices. The construction of two new links, connecting the two barns, forming an enclosed feature courtyard - Stony Batter Barns Stony Batter West Tytherley 11/02513/ADVS Discrete sign with Company name on it to comply with Companies House registered / operating premises requirements - Stony Batter Barns Stony Batter West Tytherley West Tytherley 12/00355/FULLS Demolition of existing bungalow and ancillary buildings and erection of 1no. 5 bed dwelling with detached garage, parking and associated works (revision to planning permission ref. 11/01490/FULLS) - Four Winds Houghton 12/00549/FULLS Two storey extension to provide a larger kitchen at ground floor and an additional bedroom on the first floor - Salmon Leap Green Hill View Romsey 12/00677/ADVS 1 x Fascia Sign, 1 x Projecting sign, 1 x Awning - 16 Market Place Romsey 12/00746/FULLS & 12/00747/LBWS Internal and external alterations to include replacement single storey extension, rendering and raising roof of single storey extension to include insertion of 2 No dormers, removal of lean to porch and 1 No SVP, and alterations to fenestration - Mount Pleasant Farm House Mount Lane Lockerley 12/00763/VARS Variation of condition 9 of reserved matters approval 10/01238/RESS to enable minor amendment to plans to facilitate retention of 8 no. air source heat pumps externally mounted on plots 209-216 (Details of residential development of Land Parcel H comprising 72 dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping refers) - Land At Abbotswood Cupernham Lane Romsey The applications are available for public inspection at Council Offices, Duttons Road, Romsey, SO51 8XG and on our website www.testvalley.gov.uk/planning Any comments about an application should be received by the Council by 4th May 2012. Any comments received will be available for both inspection and copying. In the event of an appeal against the refusal of planning permission in relation to a householder application, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage Paul Jackson, Head of Planning and Building
13th April 2012

Published on 13/04/2012