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Public Notice

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Test Valley Borough Council
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
The Council has received the applications listed below which require advertising under one of the above Acts:- 11/02735/FULLS - Retrospective application for installation of three external plant enclosures with tiled roofs to house a total of 13 air conditioning units - The Hay Barn, Upper Ashfield Farm, Hoe Lane,Ashfield 11/02805/FULLS - Retrospective application to retain the use of the mobile home as temporary agricultural dwelling and to retain the office accommodation- Kings Farm, Foxes Lane, West Wellow 11/02834/LBWS - Demolish chimney built about 1982/3 to a level about 30cm below gutter. The fireplace inside the house is not used..- Latimer House, 22 Latimer Street, Romsey 11/02845/FULLS - Fenestration alterations to no. 57 Mountbatten Avenue and the erection of two 3-bedroom terraced dwellings attached to no. 57 Mountbatten Avenue - 57 Mountbatten Avenue, Romsey 11/02889/FULLS - Construction of a new utility room and completion of the installation of aPhotovoltaic ground array - Wellbrook Cottage, Dores Lane, Braishfield 11/02890/LBWS - Construction of a new utility room and completion of the installation of a Photovoltaic ground array - Wellbrook Cottage, Dores Lane, Braishfield 12/00074/CLPS - Certificate of proposed development for erection of a brick built shed to be finished in render and with a slate tile roof.- 1 Park Farm Cottages, Somborne Park Road, Little Somborne The applications are available for public inspection at Council Offices, Duttons Road, Romsey, SO51 8XG and on our website www.testvalley.gov.uk/planning Any comments about an application should be received by the Council by 10.February 2012. Any comments received will be available for both inspection and copying. In the event of an appeal against the refusal of planning permission in relation to a householder application, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no further opportunity
to comment at appeal stage Paul Jackson, Head of Planning and Building 20th January 2012

Published on 20/01/2012