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Public Notice

Hampshire Supporting People Services

Hampshire Supporting People Services
The Hampshire Supporting People (SP) programme funds housing related support services which aim to develop, promote and sustain individuals to live independently or to gain access to appropriate accommodation.
A 'Register of Accredited Providers' has been established.
Only providers included in this register will be eligible to bid for any forthcoming tenders.
All providers who are currently accredited, including those who hold current contracts, with Hampshire SP need to apply at this time as their existing accreditation expires at the end of March 2012.
Applications to join the register are also invited from additional organisations with appropriate capabilities who would like the opportunity to work with Hampshire SP in the future.
Being registered on the Hampshire County Council (HCC) Preferred Panel of Providers for Domiciliary Care does not automatically entitle organisations to tender for SP services.
This includes any joint contracting opportunities where organisations will need to be accredited on boths lists.
It should be noted that as the register has to be fully refreshed every three years anyone successfully applying to be registered this year will be registered until 31 March 2015 provided the minimum criteria outlined in the application form are maintained throughout the period.
The register will be open for applications from Monday 3 October 2011 to Friday 16 December 2011. The application pack contains full details of the process and how to apply.
In the first instance, interested organisations should request an application pack, preferably by email, including full details of the company, by sending an email to: supporting.people@hants.gov.uk
Written requests for an application pack should be sent to: Dawn Field, Wellbeing & Partnerships Department, Adult Services, Hampshire County Council, EII Court 3rd floor West, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UJ.
Envelopes should be marked with 'Supporting People Accreditation'.
All applications must arrive no later than 16 December 2011.
Applications will not be accepted after this time.
For further information please email supporting.people@hants.gov.uk

Published on 06/10/2011