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A £
per annum
(i) Basic Allowance for Members of the County Council 12,003
Basic Allowance for Co–opted Members of the Children and
Young People Select (Overview and Scrutiny) Committee 675
Basic Allowance for Independent Members of the Standards Committee 675
Basic Allowance for Independent Remuneration Panel Members 225
(ii) Special Responsibility Allowances
Only one special responsibility allowance is payable to any member under the Scheme. The allowances in brackets will not be paid whilst the current post holder receives a higher special responsibility allowance in respect of another post.
per annum
The Cabinet (Executive):
Leader and Executive Member for Policy and Resources 28,967
Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services and Deputy Leader 17,379
Executive Member for Culture and Recreation 17,379
Executive Member for Economic Development and Rural Affairs 17,379
Executive Member for Adult Social Care 17,379
Executive Member for Communications and Efficiency 17,379
Executive Member for Communities and International Relations 17,379
Executive Member for Environment and Transport 17,379
Leaders of Political Groups:
Leader of Liberal Democrat Group 13,846
Chairmen of Select Committees:
Policy and Resources 11,586
Children and Young People 11,586
Safe and Healthy People (11,586)
Culture, Communities and Rural Affairs 11,586
Environment and Transportation 11,586
Assistants to Lead Executive Member for Children’s Services:
Assistant to Executive Member Children’s Services
(Education) and Chairman of Education Advisory Panel 7,500
Assistant to Executive Member Children’s Services (Safeguarding) and Chairman of Children and Families Panel 7,500
Vice–Chairmen of Select (Overview and Scrutiny) Committees: Policy and Resources 2,901
Children and Young People 2,901
Safe and Healthy People 2,901
Culture, Communities and Rural Affairs 2,901
Environment and Transportation 2,901
Health (Overview and Scrutiny) Committee Chairman 14,433
Vice–Chairman 3,612
Regulatory Committee: Chairman 11,586
Vice–Chairman 2,901
Standards Committee: Chairman 2,025
Vice–Chairman 1,449
Audit Committee: Chairman 5,793
Vice–Chairman 1,449
Pension Fund Panel: Chairman 5,793
Vice–Chairman (1,449)
Minority Parties’ Spokesmen:
Liberal Democrats:
Policy and Resources 5,793
Children and Young People 5,793
Safe and Healthy People 5,793
Culture and Communities 5,793
Environment and Transportation 5,793
Health Overview and Scrutiny 5,793
Regulatory Committee 5,793
The following amounts were paid to Members by way of allowances in 2010/11.
Basic Special Mileage Public Subsistence
Initial Surname Allowance Responsibility Allowance Transport/Parking
£ £ £ £ £
F ALLGOOD 12,003 2,901.72 1,253.60 49.00 –
C BAILEY 12,003 – – – –
I BEAGLEY 12,003 2,901.72 1,458.90 5.70 –
R BOLTON 12,003 – 806.40 – –
A BROADHURST 12,003 – – – –
JV BRYANT 12,003 1,449.00 656.40 – –
A BUCKLEY 12,003 – 218.00 – –
R BURGESS 12,003 – – – –
AS CAREW 12,003 5,793.36 – – –
C CARTER 12,003 – 1,179.20 5.50 –
KG CHAPMAN 12,003 12,138.36 1,548.40 – –
P CHEGWYN 12,003 5,793.36 476.00 – –
V CLARKE 12,003 – 1,108.40 – –
AP COLLETT 12,003 5,793.36 699.20 95.80 –
B COLLIN 12,003 – – – –
M COOPER 12,003 5,793.36 656.80 7.10 –
S. DARRAGH 12,003 – 548.40 – –
(formerly Payne)
BD DASH 12,003 1,604.08 1,581.60 – –
CRH DAVIDOVITZ 12,003 17,379.60 – – –
P DICKENS 12,003 5,793.36 – – –
A DOWDEN 12,003 5,793.36 580.40 5.50 –
D DREW 5,356.18 – – – –
P EDGAR 12,003 7,500.00 5,916.36 38.98 –
RJ ELLIS 12,003 17,380.80 4,354.80 1,312.39 375.26
A EVANS 12,003 – 1,224.56 – –
K EVANS 12,003 5,793.00 2,514.40 40.70 –
L FAIRHURST 12,003 3,126.52 622.40 – –
J FRANKUM 12,003 – 430.40 – –
M GEDDES 12,003 – 448.00 – –
A GIBSON 12,003 – 1,543.18 39.70 –
J GLEN 12,003 3,379.37 794.00 14.40 –
B GURDEN 12,003 – 369.20 – –
D HARRISON 12,003 – 265.24 – –
E HERON 12,003 – 1,066.80 – –
HF HINDSON 12,003 17,379.60 1,929.60 249.10 –
G HOCKLEY 12,003 2,901.72 1,769.60 35.10 –
K HOUSE 12,003 13,845.96 690.80 3.00 –
R HUSSEY 12,003 – 86.40 – –
S JAMES 12,003 – 427.20 – –
A JOY 12,003 – 68.80 – –
D KEAST 12,003 – – – –
M KEMP–GEE 12,003 5,793.00 838.40 28.45 –
M KENDAL 12,003 17,379.60 3,995.20 270.40 –
RJ KIMBER 12,003 2,901.72 1,354.80 2.40 –
D KIRK 4,484.99 6,493.99 1,555.20 31.00 -
T KNIGHT 12,003 2,346.77 1,699.20 193.68 –
R KYRLE 12,003 – – – –
Chairman of the 2,608.00 18.20 – County Council Allowance 16,315.00
K MANS 12,003 17,379.00 3,040.00 – –
PK MASON 12,003 – 648.80 – –
A MCEVOY 12,003 – 1,537.20 14.40 –
RC MCINTOSH 12,003 11,586.72 1,096.00 – –
AM MCNAIR–SCOTT 12,003 1,939.97 588.80 – –
Vice-Chairman of the County Council Allowance 7,739.74
Carer Allowance
R MUSCHAMP 12,003 – 1,344.40 – 2,424
P MUTTON 12,003 – – – –
E NEAL 12,003 – 982.35 – –
F PEARCE 12,003 – 801.20 – –
R PERRY 12,003 17,379.60 2,679.40 75.83 –
J PORTER 12,003 4,204.86 – – –
RH PRICE 12,003 – 792.40 – –
J RADLEY 12,003 – – – –
S REID 12,003 11,586.72 168.80 – –
AW RICE 12,003 2,901.72 204.49 5.00 –
S RIPPON-SWAINE 12,003 – 921.27 – –
A ROLING 12,003 – – – –
D SIMPSON 12,003 – 911.60 – –
M SNAITH–TEMPIA 12,003 15,724.40 1,858.40 – –
E STILL 12,003 11,586.00 373.60 – –
B TENNENT 12,003 – 617.20 370.90 –
T THACKER 12,003 – 276.00 – 318.90
C THOMAS 12,003 – 48.00 – –
TK THORNBER 12,003 28,967.40 3,843.20 310.80 –
M TUCKER 12,003 7,500.00 1,536.00 – –
J WALL 12,003 – – 717.00 –
A WEEKS 12,003 – 240.80 6.00 –
J WEST 12,003 – 1,477.52 8.80 –
PA WEST 12,003 14,050.74 299.20 – –
S WHEALE 12,003 11,586.72 1,335.20 145.55 –
S WOODWARD 12,003 – 571.20 – –
The following amounts were paid to co-opted/independent Members by way of allowances in 2010/11:-
Travel Responsibilities Public
Name Basic Subsistence Allowance Transport Parking<<br> £ £ £ £
J. ABBOTT 121.88 – – –
M. ANSAR 482.66 – – –
T. BLACKSHAW 675 – – –
S. DACE 675 – – –
G. ELLIS 675 – 1,449.48 –
R. FARRALL 225 – – –
D. HECK 225 123.20 – –
M. JAMES 675 – 2,025.00 –
R. KINCH 121.88 73.60 – 5.00
B. NORTH 696.17 – – –
P. WATSON 482.66 17.22 – 7.00
Andrew Smith OBE MA DPA MBA
Chief Executive, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UJ.

Published on 07/07/2011