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Public Notice

Itchen Valley Parish Council Invitation to Tender

m Itchen Valley Parish Council
Invitation to Tender
Notice is hereby given inviting contractors to tender.
Contract Description: Parish Lengthsman to work on village maintenance, i.e. footpaths, drainage. Tender: 10 parishes require a Parish Lengthsman. Budget is £10k equating to one day a week (8 hrs). Parishes visited on a weekly rotation. Tasks to be determined by each parish. Own transport and equipment essential. Further info on duties and the scheme can be viewed at:
Tender application form from Alan Weaver -Parish Clerk, IVPC, 01962 773263 or clerk@itchenvallyparishcouncil.org.uk.
Application forms should be returned by Friday 12th May 2016. Interviews wk commencing 16th May.

Published on 21/04/2016