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Public Notice


Application has been made by Mr. N.Warner to the Licensing Authority of Test Valley Borough Council for a Premises Licence for the Olive Tree at 11 Latimer Street, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 8DF. The application includes the following terms:- 1.To enable the sale of alcohol between 9am and 11pm, Sunday to Thursday, 9am to Midnight Friday and Saturday. 2.To enable the sale of acohol and entertainment for extended hours on New Year's Eve as detailed in the applicaton.3.To enable the provision of late night refreshment. Full details of the Application can be viewed at the offices
of the Licensing Authority at Test Valley Borough Council,Administration Service, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, Hampshire, SPI0 3AJ. A responsible authority or any other person can make written representations to the
Licensing Authority at any time up to and including 12th November 2015
It is an offence for anyone knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with a Licence Application.
The maximum fine on summary convi ct on i s unli mited. Dated this: 14th day of October 2015
John Gaunt & Partners, Solicitors

Published on 23/10/2015