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Public Notice

PREMISES LICENCE Matterley Estate, Temple Valley, Alresford Road, Winchester

I, Giles Chater, hereby give notice that I have applied on 22/07/2015 to Winchester City Council as the Licensing Authority for the Grant of a Premises Licence for the premises known as: Matterley Estate, Temple Valley, Alresford Road, Winchester SO21 1HW.
The application is for Sale of Alcohol/Regulated Entertainment/Live Music.
Details: On the weekend of the 26th and 27th of Septmeber 2015, Tough Mudder Ltd plan an event consisting of a 12 mile obstacle course run which will be held within the Matterley Estate grounds. The event will open for campers from 1800 on Friday 25th September and a post event party will take place in the main site on the evening of the26thSeptemberwhichwillconsistofbothliveandrecordedmusicandthesupply and sale of alcohol for consumption from 1200hrs. Bar and Catering outlets will be operational and children (with adult supervision) may be attending the event as spectators. The post event party and all activities are scheduled to finish at 2300hrs onSaturday26thSeptember.Therewillbeasecondeventdaywiththeeventincluding thesupplyandsaleofalcoholforconsumptionwhichwillcloseat1800hrsatMatterley Estate,Temple Valley, Alresford Road,Winchester, SO21 1HW.
Any person who wishes to submit representations in connection with this application shouldsendtheirrepresentationsinwritingto:HeadofLegalServices,WinchesterCity Council, City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester SO23 9LJ, to arrive by 25/08/2015; details of representations received will be forwarded to the applicants to enable them to comment. The representations received and the applicants' comments will be taken intoaccountindeterminingtheapplication.Relevantrepresentationswillbeforwarded to the applicant and published on the Council's website.
Itisanoffencetoknowinglyorrecklesslymakeafalsestatementinconnectionwith an application and that person is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding Level 5 on the Standard Scale.
A Register of Applications can be inspected at the City Offices and details are also available at www.winchester.gov.uk/licensing. Enquiries: 01962 848188, email: licensing@winchester.gov.uk

Published on 06/08/2015