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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning

Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010 NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 11 OF APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION
Proposed development at: Land west of the B2177/ Winchester
Road, Bishop's Waltham, Winchester, SO32 2LL
I give notice that: Bishop's Waltham Renewables Ltd
Is applying to: Winchester City Council
For planning permission for the: Development of ground
mounted solar photovoltaic panels and associated equipment
including inverter/ transformer buildings, DNO/ substation
building, control/ storage building, customer switchgear
buildings, security fencing, camera equipment,
access tracks and associated landscaping.
Any owner* of the land or tenant** who wishes to make
representations about this application should write to
Winchester City Council at Planning Management, Winchester
City Council, City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester,
SO23 3DD within 21 days of the date of this notice.
* "Owner" means a person having a freehold interest or a
leasehold interest the unexpired term of which is not less than
seven years, or in the case of development consisting of the
winning or working of minerals, a person entitled to an
interest in the land (other than oil, gas, coal, gold, or silver).
** "Tenant" means a tenant of an agricultural holding any
part of which is comprised in the land.
Signed: Mr Peter Lamb (Savills (UK) Limited)
On behalf of: Bishop's Waltham Renewables Ltd
Date: 09-04-2015
Statement of owners' rights: The grant of planning permission does not affect owners' rights to retain or dispose of their property, unless there is some provision to the contrary in an agreement or lease. Statement of agricultural tenants' rights: The grant of planning permission for non-agricultural development may affect agricultural tenants' security oftenure.

Published on 09/04/2015