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Public Notice


Appeal reference: APP/C1760/A/14/2224913
Council reference: 14/00726/OUTS ("Planning Application")
Site address: Land East of Rownhams Lane and South of M27 Motorway,

Rownhams, Hampshire ("the Site")
Development: Demolition of two dwellings and existing farmhouse and

associated farm buildings; the construction of up to 320 residential dwellings and a 60 unit extra care facility; the construction of a livery comprising stables for up to 30 horses and menage; the change of use of land from agricultural to paddocks; and associated road/footway/cycleway provision, open space, landscaping surface water attenuation and ancillary works ("Appeal Scheme")
The Appellant has submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, and provided to the Council, revised plans that make amendments to the Appeal Scheme. The Appellant proposes to make the following amendments:
i. a reduction in the area of Paddock Land and the provision of a greater amount of open space Green Infrastructure;

ii. the realignment of approximately 180m of Rownhams Lane, by a maximum distance of approximately 2m to the west;

The Appellant has submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, and provided to the Council, further illustrative plans in respect of the on-site provision of open space.
These plans are available for inspection at:
Test Valley Borough Council
Test Valley Borough
Nexus Planning
Planning and Building
Council -
3 Weybridge Business Park
Southern Offices
Addlestone Road
Beech Hurst
Former Magistrates' Court
Weyhill Road, Andover
Church Street, Romsey
Surrey KT15 2BW
Hampshire SP10 3AJ
Hampshire SO51 8AQ
Any representations you wish to make to these amendments should be made in writing within 21-days from 9 March 2015 to:
Alan Ridley
The Planning Inspectorate
3/26 Hawk Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN Planning Inspectorate Appeal reference: APP/C1760/A/14/2224913

Published on 06/03/2015