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Public Notice


Town and Country Planning Act 2008 (Part 11) (as amended)
Localism Act 2011 (part 6)
The Community Infra structure Levy, England and Wales
Regulations 2010 (as amended) Regulation 15
CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule
Subject matter
The Council is proposing to prepare a Community Infrastructure Levy (CH) charging schedule. If and when a CIL is adopted, it will be applied as a mandatory charge within the Borough on all new development in accordance with the charging schedule and the legislative framework The Council wishes to notify public that it has prepared for public consultation a Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule when proposes a levy on developments to provide for essential infrastructure to support planned growth.
Area covered: The charging schedule will cover the whole of Test Valley Borough Council. except for that part within the New- Forest National Park.
Availability of documents: The Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule consultation document and the accompanying evidence base are available for public inspection between the hours of 830 - 17.00 Mon to Thurs and 8 30 to 1630 on Fridays at:
Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road. Andover. Hampshire SP1O 3AJ
Former Magistrates Court Church Street, Romsey. Hampshire SOS1 CAO
The documents can also be found on the Council’s website: www.testvalley.gov uk/CIL. If needed, summary material can be made available as a paper copy. For further information please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01264 369816.
Representations should be submitted in one of the following ways:
Completed online at www .testvalley.gov.uk/CIL
Sent in writing to PDCS CIL Consultation Planning Policy, Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3AJ
Period in which representations may be made: Only those written representations that arrive at the address specified above (either in hard copy or electronically) within the eight week period between Friday 6th December 2013 and ending at 16:30 on Friday 31st January 2014 will be considered.
Representations should specify the matters to which they relate and the ground on which they are made. Any organisation or individual who wishes to be informed of consultation on the next stage of public consultation for CIL (Draft Charging Schedule stage) should make this request as part of their representation
Steve Lees
Head of Planning Policy and Transport. Test Valley Borough Council
6th December2013

Published on 06/12/2013