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Public Notice

Re Helen Henwood (deceased)

Re Helen Henwood

Notice is hereby given that any person having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of Helen Henwood, late of 22, Tadburn Road, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 5AU who died on the sixteenth day of October 2012, and whose Will was proved at the Winchester District Probate Registry on the First day of February 2013, by MARTIN LEWIS CURTIS RUSSELL and HAYLEY JUNE PHILLIPS, the Executors named in the said Will, is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his claim or interest to the undersigned, the Solicitors for the said Executors on or before the Twenty First day of June 2013, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and interests of which they shall then have had notice.
Dated this 19 day of April 2013
Bells Solicitors,
5 Market Place, Romsey SO51 8XF
DX 45901 Romsey
Solicitors for the said Executors

Published on 19/04/2013